Saturday, March 26, 2005

Futures and Eventual Values Part 2

This blog entry is Part 2 of my discussion of Futures and Eventual Values. I will assume that you have read my previous blog entry: Futures and Eventual Values Part 1

In this blog I will attempt to explain the difference between a future and an eventual value. I will also look at the implementation of futures in the concurrency library of the JDK 1.5.

Before I go on, I should warn the reader that I am not entirely sure that the distinction that I am making between futures and eventual values is standard. It would not surprise me if many "experts" in the field will claim that I am splitting hairs and that what I am calling an eventual value is just a different type of future. However, I personally think that what I am defining here as eventual values and futures do have interesting differences.

Let me start with another example using an eventual value.

final EventualValue<Integer> ev = new EventualValue<Integer>();
new Thread(){
public void run(){
ev.set(3 + 4);
new Thread(){
public void run(){
ev.set(3 + 6);

You can not determine what will be printed by just looking at this program. I ran it a couple of times, and each time got 7 printed out followed by 9. However, there is no reason it could not have been the other way around, nor any reason it might not have printed out 7 twice or 9 twice. An important point that will make more sense when we look at futures is that the expression "3 + 4" or "3 + 6" that will be used to determine the value of the eventual value is not necessarily fixed at the time the eventual value is created.

An important feature of a future (at least how it is defined for Multilisp), is that the expression used to determine the value of the future is fixed at the time the future is created.

Have a look at the Future interface as it is defined in the JDK 1.5 and note carefully that it does not have a set() method. It has several useful methods besides get(), but it does not have any way of setting the wrapped value.

public interface Future<V> {
boolean cancel(boolean mayInterruptIfRunning);
boolean isCancelled();
boolean isDone();
V get() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException;
V get(long timeout, TimeUnit unit)
throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException, TimeoutException;

When I first looked at the Java concurrency library I was perplexed by the lack of a setter on Future. My experience with the ACE C++ library of Doug Schmidt ( had led me to assume that a Future would have a setter and a getter. I now believe that the ACE Future class is more like an eventual value than a Future.

The JDK provides a number of different ways of creating a Future, one of which is to construct a FutureTask (which implements Future). But even FutureTask does not have a set() method. Instead, FutureTask takes as a parameter in its constructor what is effectively the "expression" that will be used to determine the future's value. Of course in Java you cannot actually pass expressions around (the expression will be evaluated before it gets passed in) and so FutureTask takes the next best thing: a Callable.

public interface Callable<V> {
V call() throws Exception;

As you can see, a Callable is simply an interface with a call() method that returns a value. If I want to create a future whose value will eventually be the result of calling some method m(), then I simply create a Callable whose call() method calls m(). Using the example from Part 1, if I want a future whose value will be the result of invoking the getTemperature() method of a remote weather service, then I first need to define a Callable class:

public class TemperatureRequest implements Callable<Float> {
private RemoteWeatherStation weatherStation;
public TemperatureRequest(RemoteWeatherStation weatherStation) {
this.weatherStation = weatherStation;
public Float call() throws Exception {
return weatherStation.getTemperature();

The FutureTask object can now be created...

FutureTask<Float> result = new FutureTask<Float>(new TemperatureRequest(weatherStation));

The creation of the FutureTask does not automatically result in the Callable being invoked. My guess is that the designer (Doug Lea), realized that it was important that the FutureTask not be responsible for the creation and execution of the thread that calls the Callable since it is quite possible that you want to use a thread pool or perhaps schedule the execution for a later time. Hence FutureTask, as well as being a Future, is also a Runnable and so can be passed to any thread of your choosing for execution. Here is the full getTemperature() method of our new asynchronous weather service:

public Future<Float> getTemperature() {
FutureTask<Float> result = new FutureTask<Float>(new TemperatureRequest(weatherStation));
new Thread(result).start();
return result;

Hopefully, if you have lasted this long, you can now see my point that, unlike eventual values, the expression that will eventually provide a value for the future is specified as part of the creation of the future. This possibly makes futures easier to analyse. Indeed the result is something akin to an immutable object: its value is determined by what it is given in its constructor and, once it has a value, it is not going to change.

The advantages that a future has over an eventual object come at a price. To start with, in languages like Java that have poor syntactic support for closures, using Futures results in more code and possibly code that is harder to understand. Futures are also less flexible than eventual values: you could easily implement your own Future class using an eventual value, but would find it more difficult to do the reverse.

One of the other topics I covered in last Wednesday's meeting was how useful it may be to combine the Proxy pattern with futures. But that can wait for another blog. I should also blog about the risks of relying too heavily on futures when you should possibly be using more scalable patterns like message queues.

Friday, March 25, 2005

Futures and Eventual Values Part 1

Last Wednesday evening I gave a presentation on the "Futures" concurrency pattern at the Melbourne Patterns Group. Given that a couple of people have stated that they regret missing out on the presentation, and given that the power point presentation will be of little use without the talking that went with it, I thought that I should blog about the topic.

I first came across the concept of a Future six or so years ago while working on a C++ project a Ericsson. I found them to be an elegant and useful approach to certain types of concurrency problems. Since that time, most of my programming has been targetted at J2EE environments where creating your own threads is generally frowned upon and hence I have never had to use a Future since. So I have had fun this last month doing a bit of research on concurrency patterns and looking at the new concurrency library in the JDK 1.5.

A future is a placeholder for a value of an expression being computed by a separate thread.

I believe that the idea dates back to a language called Multilisp (see R. Halstead, Multilisp: A Language for Concurrent Symbolic Computation, TOPLAS pp.501-538 (Oct 1985). Available from the ACM digital library ( This paper in turn refers to Algol 68 (Algol 68 User Manual. March 8, 1978. which has a similar feature called an Eventual Value.

I am not entirely sure that I understand the difference between an eventual value and a future, but I think that there is a difference as I will try to explain.

First, I will explain what I think an eventual value is. Given that most of us have been brainwashed into thinking in terms of objects, you can think of an eventual value as being a wrapper around a value and having a get() method and a set() method to get and set that value. The eventual value is deemed to initially be in an undetermined state and to remain so until the value is set via the set() method. After the set() method is called the eventual value is said to be in a determined state.

If the eventual value is in a determined state, then calls to the get() method will return the wrapped value without blocking. Otherwise, the get() method will block until some thread calls the set() method.

Imagine we are writing a remote proxy for a weather service able to return the current temperature of a specified city. Due to network latency and the load on the remote service, such a request could take several seconds to return. If we wish the get temperatures from a number of different services, then we can reduce the overall latency by making those requests concurrently. One way of achieving this is for our remote proxy to return eventual values like so:

public class WeatherService {


public EventualValue getTemperature() {
final EventualValue result = new EventualValue();
new Thread() {
public void run() {
return result;

The intention is that WeatherService is able to fetch the current termperature of a specified city from a remote service. Rather than waiting for the remote service to reply, the getTemperature() method creates and returns an eventual value, while concurrently making the remote request in a separate thread. When the remote request returns (possibly several seconds later), that thread will call the set() method on the eventual value with the result.

Consider the following possible client code:

WeatherService melb = new WeatherService("Melbourne");
WeatherService sydney = new WeatherService("Sydney");
WeatherService brisbane = new WeatherService("Brisbane");
EventualValue<Float> melbTemperature = melb.getTemperature();
EventualValue<Float> sydneyTemperature = sydney.getTemperature();
EventualValue<Float> brisbaneTemperature = brisbane.getTemperature();
System.out.println("Melbourne\t" + melbTemperature.get());
System.out.println("Sydney\t\t" + sydneyTemperature.get());
System.out.println("Brisbane\t" + brisbaneTemperature.get());

The three calls to getTemperature() will each return immediately, and the main thread will not actually block until it reaches melbTemperature.get(). At that point, the thread will block until the remote service returns its value. When the main thread reaches the next line and tries to call sydneyTemperature.get(), it is possible that the remote service has already returned the Sydney temperature, otherwise that call will also block. Either way, the total wall clock time taken to fetch and print the three temperatures should be significantly less than the sum of the times taken to get each temperature individually.

A fairly crude implementation of an EventualValue class might look something like this:

public class EventualValue<T> {
private T value;

private boolean ready = false;

public synchronized void set(T value) {
this.value = value;
ready = true;

public synchronized T get() throws InterruptedException {
while (!ready) {
return value;


A real one would supply more methods, e.g. a get() method that takes a timeout. It may also use a separate object for synchronization purposes to prevent clients explicitly performing synchronization operations on the EventualValue themselves.

If you are using Java, you should try to use the features of the new currency library. It comes with the JDK1.5, and you can download a version for older versions of Java. However, instead of providing support for eventual values, Java provides support for futures, and I think a discussion of futures and how I think they differ from eventual values deserves a separate blog.

Saturday, March 05, 2005

Book Review: Agile Database Techniques

I recently finished reading
"Agile Database Techniques" by Scott Ambler

On the whole, I found the book enjoyable to read and reasonably informative. I would not rank it up as high as Domain Driven Design or Patterns of Enterprise Application Architecture, but I would certainly rank it above many other books I have read. I find it sad and frustrating that a lot of programmers actually take pride in not knowing anything about databases. While O/R mapping tools like Hibernate are excellent, ignorance of how databases work and lack of data modelling skills will lead to second rate solutions even when you use tools like Hibernate.

Things I liked about the book include:
  • Modelling tips.
  • Database refactoring tips
  • Performance tuning tips
  • Pros & cons of implementing referential integrity & business logic in the database versus implementing it application code.
  • Discussion on natural versus artificial primary keys
  • Discussion on database encapsulation strategies
  • Security issues.
What I particularly liked was that Scott seemed to have a very balanced view on a lot of these topics and points out that a lot of these issues are not black and white.

Things I think need improvement include:
  • I did not find the concept of "class normalization" all that helpful.
  • The same material could have been covered in a book half the size.
Despite its shortcomings, it is still definitely worth a read.